Thursday, September 11, 2014

HW 3 Moving Objects

For this assignment, I downloaded a soil ground, a cat, and a chair.  Because we are working on a survival game, I thought it would be a good idea to add a few distractions that do not harm the player, but that do potentially startle the player.  This way, the player is forced to make the decision of whether or not the noises and visuals are indicating a danger that requires action.  A cat making a chair wobble can produce a noise and motion that may serve this purpose, without adding too much activity/computer usage to the game.  The soil was chosen because it may be useful for representing an abandoned area that nature is starting to take back over.

When I added the cat and chair to the blender file with the soil ground, the soil looked great, but I was not able to figure out how to reconfigure the menus to get to where I wanted to be to manage my objects.  When I restarted blender and added all three items, the soil appearance of the ground disappeared, and I decided to ignore this due to time constraints.

The movement is the cat jumping onto the chair, making the chair wobble.

Blender File:

My contribution is the same contribution as mentioned in HW2, looking for appropriate imagery to get an idea of what the best atmosphere will be for the game, given the constraints of what is available as pre-made objects and the inspiration that can be gained from real-life abandoned island cities/buildings.

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